29 12, 2017

Can Office Design Impact Employee Engagement in San Diego?

2017-12-29T13:34:18-08:00December 29th, 2017|Commercial Services, High Light Plants, Live Walls, Living Walls in San Diego, Low Light Plants, Medium Light Plants, Plants|

Can Office Design Impact Employee Engagement in San Diego? Here at Greenleaf IPS, We're Bringing LIFE to WORK. The distracted, dissatisfied and disengaged. One out of three of your employees or co-workers in San Diego suffer from a lack of true engagement in their work directly impacting bottom-line business results. At the

28 11, 2017

Interior Plant Services in San Diego

2017-12-29T13:22:54-08:00November 28th, 2017|Commercial Services, Live Walls, Living Walls in San Diego, Plants, Residential, Uncategorized|

Interior Plant Services in San Diego Interior Plant Services in San Diego. San Diego is an epicenter of floriculture and horticulture in the United States. San Diego County produces more than 75% of the some of the world’s most beautiful ornamental plants. That includes succulents, proteaceae, poinsettias and more. Right in north county

19 11, 2017

Herb Walls in San Diego

2017-11-28T17:19:39-08:00November 19th, 2017|Commercial Services, Live Walls, Living Walls in San Diego, Plants, Residential, Uncategorized|

Herb Walls in San Diego. Herb Walls in San Diego Herbs are an amazing group of plants. Both ornamental and edible they can add beauty, scent, color and texture to gardens, planter and even live walls. That’s right, live walls! Why plant a live wall with just ornamental plants when you can incorporate tasty

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